domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2012

The six greatest failures of Google -

Since cambi? the concept of b?squeda on the internet, Google is ?xito sin?nimo. Mountain View compa??a stands out for its ability to understand users and offer all kinds of tools that meet their needs. However, the history of this company est? full tambi?n of tools that not enjoyed great popularity among Internet users.

In the blog ?Bitelia? offer us a recopilaci?n of the six biggest failures harvested by the company that desarroll? the greater the Web browser.

Quiz? is its important and known m?s of the a?os ?ltimos failure. Released in February of 2010, was one of the first attempts of the compa??a into the world of social networks, but your little privacy and its high degree of "intrusion", did that it was rejected by the majority of users of GMail, the Google electr?nico mail. The service was closed completely in October 2011, despu?s that Google + take a witness with a fairly discreet result.

Adem?s popular AdWords online advertising systems and AdSense, the Mountain View company had tambi?n a radiof?nicos, called Ads Audio ads service. With this initiative, naci? in 2006 and muri? in 2009, pretend?an make an incursi?n on the market of advertising radiof?nica that is sald? with a resounding failure and some large p?rdidas.

This project pioneered the ?mbito of the geolocalizaci?n and created by Foursquare founder Dennis Crowley, was bought by Google in 2005. This service permit?a users report your ubicaci?n to your m?vil trav?s, operating as a kind of primitive social network. Quiz? because it was released too early, the product not funcion? as expected and it was closed. Although part of his tecnolog?a was exploited in Latitude, the following draft of Google geolocalizaci?n, the giant has not been able to overcome the ?xito of Foursquare.

In 2002, Google lanz? a service of questions and answers that users pod?an consult your questions an expert, in exchange for an econ?mica remuneraci?n. As it was expected, enfrent?ndose to a collaborative, free and much m?s fun, Yahoo answers, the system does not cuaj? and dej? function in 2006.

It's the aplicaci?n m?s curious in this list, since it is had disposici?n users during a single d?a of 2005. It was a custom p?gina in the Google search engine that imitated the gr?fica of the OS X operating system interface. With it, the pretend?a compa??a do a tribute to Apple and your operating system. However, the lawyers of the compa??a considered podr?a to generate legal problems with the Cupertino giant and advised its withdrawal.

This tool of collaborative work in real time gener? great expectaci?n between users of Google, but the shortage of invitations to test the service provoc? that many of the people who acced?an to ?l lacked contacts with those who try it and share it. As a result, the cay? into oblivion and 2010 dej? upgrade tool.

There are who think that Google Wave was a tool ahead of his time and that motiv? that was not understood by the users and joining the list of failures of the compa??a. A list that shows there is no afraid to be wrong, since for every failed experiment, Google has several successful projects that keep you at the forefront of the innovaci?n on the internet.

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